Oct 292014

Our November program will be presented by Jim Watts.  Jim will present a program titled “Leafless Orchids, fascination and frustration!”  This program is a review of the various leafless genera and their species, discussing the habitat and growth habit of these fascinating orchids

Jim started growing orchids in 1994 in Tallahassee with 6 equitants and a phalaenopsis.  When he moved to Miami for University of Miami in 1996 he thought he was in heaven!  As he expanded his collection, his two main areas of interest became Tolumnia and the leafless orchids.  He pestered the AOS editors to feature an article on leafless orchids in the Orchids magazine for almost two years.  He was doing a lot of research on his own, and was hoping for more information.  Finally in frustration, the AOS editors told him to write one himself if he really wanted to see it.  So, in March 2003 issue of Orchids, his article was published.  He had a reprint for society newsletters from around the globe, including the Canary Islands, Canada, and all over the United States.  Jim is an Accredited AOS Judge, having joined the program at the Florida Caribbean Judging Center.   He now lives in Hollywood, FL.

The plant raffle table will be a selection of phals and paphs that were donated to SFOS from Pine Ridge Orchids.  Dan & Margie Orchids will supply the blooming plants for our special raffles.

We hope you will join us for this interesting and informative program.

Guillermo Salazar
Program Chairman

Reminder: Any plants you wish to have considered for judging must be entered no later than 7:30PM. This allows our judges ample time to properly evaluate your orchids and, if necessary, present them for award photography before the main program begins.