Apr 152019

Gail Miller has been growing orchids for many years. She has won numerous awards from .AOS “Millers Pink Magic Vanda” whose flower measures 9 inches across and is flat rather than ruffled. Gail is a two-time recipient of the acclaimed William Hackney Award, which is given to most awarded plants of a given year.

In her past life, she was an orthopedic nurse practitioner and nurse supervisor. She worked for the orthopedic surgeon who developed the original knee and hip joint replacement and has been an author in many medical journals.

Gail is a past president of three orchid societies in Florida. She is a teacher, lecturer and comedian.

Have your notebooks handy because there will be lots of information to write down and many new ideas for making our orchids grow more beautifully.

Gail’s lecture will be on “Tricks of the Trade”.

Gail will be bringing plants for our raffle table and will have plants available to sell.