Apr 152019

Gail Miller has been growing orchids for many years. She has won numerous awards from .AOS “Millers Pink Magic Vanda” whose flower measures 9 inches across and is flat rather than ruffled. Gail is a two-time recipient of the acclaimed William Hackney Award, which is given to most awarded plants of a given year.

In her past life, she was an orthopedic nurse practitioner and nurse supervisor. She worked for the orthopedic surgeon who developed the original knee and hip joint replacement and has been an author in many medical journals.

Gail is a past president of three orchid societies in Florida. She is a teacher, lecturer and comedian.

Have your notebooks handy because there will be lots of information to write down and many new ideas for making our orchids grow more beautifully.

Gail’s lecture will be on “Tricks of the Trade”.

Gail will be bringing plants for our raffle table and will have plants available to sell.


Mar 172019

Mac Rivenbark — ‘Orchids in Paradise’

Mac Rivenbark photo

Mac Rivenbark

Mac Rivenbark is a long time South Florida orchid grower and seller. Mac specializes in Philippine and other Asian species and currently grows and blooms over 300 different types.

Mac is a past president of the Fort Lauderdale Orchid Society and enjoys giving lectures and educating others about orchids.

Mac’s presentation this month is ‘Orchids in Paradise’ and will cover a number of genera that grow right here in South Florida. At the end of the program, Mac will provide culture tips and will take questions from members.



Mac will also be providing plants for our raffle table and for sale.


Jan 162019

Norman Fang

Norman Fang

Norman Fang

Even before 1988, when he received his degree in Ornamental Horticulture from California State Polytechnic University in Pomona, Norman Fang was already immersed in orchids. While still a student, he managed the Raymond Burr Orchid Collection on campus. Two scholarships to study plant tissue culture also allowed him to study under Dr. Murashige at the University of California and Dr. Tanabe at the University of Hawaii.

In 1986, he started his renowned nursery, Norman’s Orchids, based in both California and Taiwan. His parents, brother and sister soon joined him in the company as it grew, and he wisely was the first to secure the domain name of www.orchids.com. Exhibiting at shows across the US, he has received more than 400 AOS flower quality awards and 20 AOS Show Trophies. In addition, he was honored in 2005 with the Distinguished Alumni Award from the School of Agriculture at Cal Poly in Pomona.

As the second youngest judge to become fully accredited, Norman has traveled around the world to judge orchid shows, from Asia to South Africa, from Canada to South America. In 1996, with Paul Bechtel, he initiated AOS Judging at the Taiwan International Orchid Show and since then has served as the AOS Judging Coordinator for the show. He has also long served as the AOS Representative for the Taiwan Orchid Growers Association. As a result of these relationships, he has been instrumental in bridging the license agreement with TOGA and the Taiwan Paphiopedilum Society to include their award records in Orchids Plus.

As a former Vice President of the American Orchid Society and having also chaired their Development Committee, he is currently serving on their Public Relations Committee. In addition to these AOS volunteer activities, he’s a Founding Member and Regional Director of the International Phalaenopsis Alliance, currently celebrating its 25th year!

As an active member of several affiliated societies, Norman is a sought-after guest speaker for society meetings, shows and conferences. He generously supports Judging Centers, societies and the AOS with generous financial, scholarship and plant donations.

Recently, he became the Orchid Advisor for the famed KBCC at Pintung,Taiwan 辜嚴倬雲植物保種中心