Sheldon Takasaki
Our Speaker for January will be a longtime friend of the South Florida Orchid Society – Sheldon Takasaki of Carmela Orchids in Hakalau, Hawaii.
Sheldon first came to the Miami area for the World Orchid Conference in 1984 and has been a great friend of SFOS ever since. I’m not sure what else I could tell you about Sheldon and Carmela Orchids that I have not said in the past year or so. Many of you who know me also know that I usually help Carmela Orchids at local Orchid Shows – well not only local – in that I did go to New York to help Sheldon one year – in May and never got warm the whole weekend. Of course I have helped unpack plants at the nursery in Hawaii too! Not to mention unpacking plants in my driveway.
Sheldon and his wife Pearl have raised a beautiful family – 2 girls who are both married and each of them has a young daughter – 1 son who you are likely to see at some of the shows here in South Florida.
Sheldon’s topic for our January meeting will be his 10 Favorite Orchids and Other Things. If you have not heard Sheldon speak – come out and join us – bring a friend – I promise that you will not regret the evening.
The RAFFLE TABLE will also be provided by Carmela Orchids and if I know Sheldon (as I think I do) it will not disappoint either. See you on January 15th, 2020.