Feb 162021

Due to the Corona Virus (COVID-19) the February 17th, 2021 Members Meeting has been canceled.

We hope to resume meetings in the near future but as long as the Corona Virus persists and social distancing rules are in place all society meetings and other activities going forward should be considered tentative.  It is imperative that social distancing rules are religiously followed if we expect to have any chance of stopping the spread of this deadly virus. We implore all of our members to heed those rules and we look forward to seeing everyone at our next meeting… whenever that is.

Stay Home, Stay Safe!

Jan 192021

Due to the Corona Virus (COVID-19) the January 20th, 2021 Members Meeting has been canceled.

We hope to resume meetings in the near future but as long as the Corona Virus persists and social distancing rules are in place all society meetings and other activities going forward should be considered tentative.  It is imperative that social distancing rules are religiously followed if we expect to have any chance of stopping the spread of this deadly virus. We implore all of our members to heed those rules and we look forward to seeing everyone at our next meeting… whenever that is.

Stay Home, Stay Safe!