Omar Gonzalez
A chemist by trade and botanist at heart. I have found orchid growing a rewarding and enjoyable hobby. Work skills are used and are enjoyable for a change. Solving problems is another aspect I enjoy. I had moved back to Miami from Iowa in 2011 when I met a man that gave me some orchids. Spathoglottis, Vanilla, and Sobralia. It took a while for me to give up on a vegetable garden. Eventually I attended an orchid show before my first trip to Hawaii. I visited Akatsuka, Carmela, and became even more obsessed in Orchids. Upon my return, I started growing seedlings under lights, after a year it was obvious that I needed a big yard. An opportunity to volunteer at the Bonnet House gave me lots of hands on experience in managing a Vandaceaous collection. From then on, I would learn from anyone that would talk to me, seeking out knowledgeable growers, attending society meetings throughout Florida. I would attend every orchid show from Miami to Fort Pierce. Especially if they had lectures. Eventually some growers took a liking to me and they were a pleasure to get to know. All their wisdom was used to make my collection grow and I figure out how. In that time I cannot tell you of how many plants were lost to being a stranger in my own back yard. I have go on to do orchid seed culture, hybrids, as well as caring for collections in private homes or businesses. I enjoy growing a myriad of genera, thanks to Springwater Orchids, Redhawk Orchids, Bill Thoms, Andy’s Orchids, Tamiami Festival, Redland Festival, you get the picture. My hands on experience is extensive with Cattleya, and Vandaceous. I also take care of private collections.
Omar will be providing plants for our raffle table!

Roger L. Hammer
Roger L. Hammer
Roger Hammer is an award-winning professional naturalist and a survivalist instructor for the Discovery Channel’s reality TV show Naked and Afraid. He was the manager of the 120-acre Castellow Hammock Nature Center for the Miami-Dade County Parks Department for 30 years, retiring in 2010. He received the first Marjory Stoneman Douglas Award presented by the Florida Native Plant Society’s Dade Chapter in 1982, Tropical Audubon Society honored him with the Charles Brookfield Medal in 1996, in 2003 he received the Green Palmetto Award in Education from the Florida Native Plant Society, and in 2019 he received the Florida Native Plant Society Mentor Award. Roger has given keynote speeches at Florida Native Plant Society state conferences as well as the 2008 World Orchid Conference held in Miami. He was also the opening speaker at the American Orchid Society’s 100-year anniversary celebration held at the Biltmore Hotel in Miami in 2021. In 2012 he was awarded an honorary Doctor of Science degree from Florida International University.
Roger’s first passion with the flora of Florida was finding and photographing Florida’s native orchids, and during his travels he discovered two species of native orchids in Florida not previously known to occur in the state. And, in 1979 he discovered a population of atala butterflies, listed in 1965 as presumed extinct, and the discovery made National Geographic magazine.
He is the author of Everglades Wildflowers, Florida Keys Wildflowers, Central Florida Wildflowers, Complete Guide to Florida Wildflowers, Attracting Hummingbirds and Butterflies in Tropical Florida, Exploring Everglades National Park, Paddling Everglades and Biscayne National Parks, and Florida Icons: 50 Classic Views of the Sunshine State. He lives in Homestead, Florida with his wife, Michelle.
Roger’s presentation will be on Wild Orchids of South Florida.
Roger will also bring along some of his books to sell. Cash or Check only.
Serena Roman, Lady Vanda
Lady Vanda Orchids is your premier online retailer, specializing in Vanda orchids. We aim to provide the highest quality orchid plants and cultivation education for our customer base. Whether you are a newbie, or seasoned collector, we are here to help guide you and your growing endeavors. In addition to Vandas, we cultivate several other genera such as Paphiopedilum, Phragmipedium, Dendrobium and Cattleya.Customers are welcome to shop our online selection, message us with any questions or request recommendations based on your growing environment and experience.
Find us online at or in person at OFE Sale Events and other Florida Orchid Shows.
Serena will be speaking this month on Paphiopedilums
She will also be providing plants for our Raffle table as well as having plants for Sale!
John Romano: Types of Dendrobiums to grow in South Florida. Part 2!

John Romano
John has been a licensed healthcare provider since 1986 specializing in pain management and sports therapy. He also teaches healthcare modalities in schools and colleges as well as continuing education for other licensed healthcare providers and is an international lecturer, most recently presenting at the International Pain Management Symposium in the Virgin Islands in 2019. He won Fort Lauderdale’s Best of for Healthcare providers in 2020, 2021, and 2022.
He started growing orchids in 1977 at the age of 11. He worked at Waterloo Gardens, Inc. in Exton, PA and Gilberties Garden Center in Delaware County, PA as tropical plant expert and orchid manager and purchaser. In 2002, he got hired at JEM Orchids in Delray as their grower and worked there until 2005.
John specializes in Sobralias, Dendrobiums, Catasetinae, and unusual species. In 2014, a new species of Sobralia, which was discovered in Guatemala, was named after him, Sobralia romanoi.
John is a member of FOG and Newbie FOG groups on Facebook; runs the Sobralia and Brasolia group, the Dendrobium Species group on Facebook as well as runs the corresponding website, has the Let’s Talk Orchids group and hosts the YouTube show by the same name and is co-owner of J & J Unique Orchids with his business partner John Melecio. Their group on Facebook is J&J Unique Orchids and their Instagram account is unique_orchids.
He has had several orchids awarded and entered the AOS judging program and is a third year student judge
John will kindly be providing plants for our raffle table,
and will have additional plants for sale!
Cordially invites all Members and Visitors to attend the 2022-2023 Installation Ceremony of the SFOS Board Executive Officers, Directors and Special Directors to be held on June 15th, 2022 at 8:00 pm at Pinecrest Gardens.
Awards will be presented this evening by the SFOS Judging Chair to Members in several categories for plants they submitted for judging during the 2021-2022 judging year.
Special Certificates of Recognition will be awarded to SFOS Members for their Volunteer service during 2021-2022.
A reception will immediately follow the Installation and Awards Ceremony.
There will be no SFOS Certified Judging on this evening, however Members are welcome to bring in their blooming plants to Display in the room and share with the guests.
South Florida Orchid Society Board will be providing several food platters for the Reception. Please consider bringing in food such as hors d’ouevres, fruit and cheese platters, desserts and bottled water to be served during the Reception.
We look forward to seeing everyone at this Special Event recognizing our Award Winners, and joining us in thanking our volunteers for their service to South Florida Orchid Society.
The South Florida Orchid Society Board
Motes Orchids will provide plants for our raffle.

Dr. Alexandra Revynthi
Dr. Alexandra Revynthi
“Orchid Pests: Ecology and Management”
Dr. Revynthi is an Assistant Professor at the Tropical Research and Education Center in Homestead, Florida. She comes from Greece and holds a PhD in acarology from the University of Amsterdam with specialization in the behavioral ecology of predatory mites. Dr. Revynthi has a keen interest in arthropod behavior, population dynamics, chemical ecology, biological control and integrated pest management (IPM) in ornamental crops.
Current research and extension efforts focus on developing an IPM program to control the Hibiscus bud weevil (Anthonomus testaceosquamosus), a new invasive species affecting the hibiscus industry in south Florida. Moreover, Dr. Revynthi explores the potential of a predatory mite as a biocontrol agent of the Ficus whitefly (Singhiella simplex). Additionally, she studies acarine pests of agricultural importance with the aim to develop IPM programs to control them.
Acarine pests of interest include new invasive species such as the Lychee erinose mite (Aceria litchii) and the Hemp russet mite (Aculops cannabicola), as well as established pests such as the Two-spotted spider mite (Tetranychus urticae) and the flat mite Brevipalpus yothersi. Extension efforts are also focused on improving detection of the Horntail snail, an invasive species that is under eradication by the Florida Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services, Division of Plant Industry.
The Raffle Table for our May 18th meeting will be provided by Mac’s Orchids. A little history – Mac and Helen are now at their new location – 6800 Appaloosa Trail, Fort Lauderdale, FL 33330. Mac and Helen have been vendors at our annual shows (when we were able to have shows) for many years. Maybe some day you can travel up to Broward County and visit them – I suggest you call Mac (954-410-8580) – as they are often going to Orchid Shows and/or Sales on weekends. Please come out and support the Raffle Table on May 18th.

Jim & Melana Davison
Jim and Melana Davison are AOS Accredited Judges. They have an extensive and diverse orchid collection that seems to be continuously growing. Not only involved in caring for their orchids, they are actively involved in several South Florida orchid societies. Melana is the current President of the Orchid Society of Coral Gables and past President of the South Dade Amateur Orchid Club. Jim is the past President of the Orchid Society of Coral Gables and the East Everglades Orchid Society.
Jim’s appreciation for orchids stems from his scientific background. Before his recent retirement, he worked as a Nuclear Chemistry Manager at the Turkey Point Nuclear Power Plant. Melana is more interested in the aesthetic qualities of orchids, especially the ones that look strange and other worldly. She owns her own Orchid Maintenance business and is known as “The Orchidiva.” They have opened their own retail nursery, Jim-N-I Orchids. Together, Jim and Melana have 7 grown children and five grandchildren. They live in Homestead with their 2 dogs, four of the five grandchildren and 5,000 plus orchids in their own collection, many more in the nursery.
They will be instructing on the many ways to mount orchids. Mounting orchids is a very natural way to grow epiphytic orchids. Not only does this presentation look nice, many plants appreciate it: their roots will get plenty of air, and for orchid types that care about drying quickly, this need can be easily accommodated too. Jim will be instructing us on various methods, differing types of mounts, and what is considered a ‘mounted’ orchid. He will also be bringing supplies that can be used for orchids.
Jim and Melana will also be providing plants for our raffle table.
Please join us at our March 16th, 2022 SFOS Members Meeting at Pinecrest Gardens. We have a very special and unique program planned and we think you will find it not only interesting, but informative and interactive.
Three of our very own South Florida Orchid Society Members who have many combined years of experience and knowledge in the cultivation and care of Orchid Collections will be presented at our “FIRST ANNUAL SOUTH FLORIDA ORCHID SOCIETY SPEAKERS PANEL”.
Please welcome Steve Rodriguez, Julie Rosenberg and Jorge Merlo. Each Speaker will be giving a short presentation on the Orchid topic and tips they feel most knowledgeable about and would like to share with our Members and Guests.
Everyone attending will have the opportunity to participate by submitting questions. You may want to ask a question of a specific speaker or may have questions that are more general in nature. We will have a Moderator who will ask everyone to hold their questions until the end of all three presentations.
Whether you are a newcomer to growing and caring for your Orchids, or have been part of the local Orchid community for years there is always so much more to learn. You may have questions about what works best in the South Florida backyard environment, how to choose what orchid to add next to your collection, what about city water versus well water quality, potting containers and mediums versus growing bare root. And of course what recommendations does the panel have for fertilizers, disease and insect control.
All of the Panel Speakers have been chosen for their experience, not only in the successful cultivation of Orchids, but also in the submission of Award Winning Orchids to the judging process.
So, join us as we welcome our South Florida Orchid Society resident experts to our “FIRST ANNUAL SOUTH FLORIDA ORCHID SOCIETY SPEAKERS PANEL”
Don McDermott, SFOS Program Chair
South Florida Orchid Society