Erna Maxwell

Julie Rosenberg
A special program has been planned for our first South Florida Orchid Society Meeting in this New Year.
On Wednesday January 19th, 2022 our esteemed Certified SFOS Judges Erna Maxwell & Julie Rosenberg will be presenting an INTRODUCTION TO EXHIBITING and JUDGING to teach our Members & Guests what you need to do to prepare your Orchid plants for Judging. For those of you who have already entered plants at our meetings in the past, the information that our SFOS Judges will share during their presentation can serve as a valuable REFRESHER COURSE.
From best practices to use while you are growing your plant, to what you will need to do to prepare & enter your plant for judging, & what steps you will need to take once your plant has received a Culture Award.
South Florida Orchid Society has a long tradition of providing Orchid Judging at our monthly meetings. In addition to the opportunity to enter a plant you have spent time and effort nurturing & caring for, your plant will be photographed professionally by Ron Hunt & may be featured in our Monthly SFOS Newsletter.
Printed Handouts will be provided to all attendees with an outline of the information that will be covered. It is our hope that each of you will be able to benefit from this special presentation.
Following the presentation there will be time for questions.
Erna is an accredited American Orchid Society Judge, Julie is an accredited SFOS judge and editor of the SFOS culture book, “An Introduction to Orchids.”
Note: Please refer to Page 5 & 6 in your South Florida Orchid Society 2020-2021 Membership Roster for additional information on the South Florida Orchid Society Regulations for EXHIBITING and JUDGING.