John Romano: Types of Dendrobiums to grow in South Florida!

John Romano
John has been a licensed healthcare provider since 1986 specializing in pain management and sports therapy. He also teaches healthcare modalities in schools and colleges as well as continuing education for other licensed healthcare providers and is an international lecturer, most recently presenting at the International Pain Management Symposium in the Virgin Islands in 2019. He won Fort Lauderdale’s Best of for Healthcare providers in 2020, 2021, and 2022.
He started growing orchids in 1977 at the age of 11. He worked at Waterloo Gardens, Inc. in Exton, PA and Gilberties Garden Center in Delaware County, PA as tropical plant expert and orchid manager and purchaser. In 2002, he got hired at JEM Orchids in Delray as their grower and worked there until 2005.
John specializes in Sobralias, Dendrobiums, Catasetinae, and unusual species. In 2014, a new species of Sobralia, which was discovered in Guatemala, was named after him, Sobralia romanoi.
John is a member of FOG and Newbie FOG groups on Facebook; runs the Sobralia and Brasolia group, the Dendrobium Species group on Facebook as well as runs the corresponding website, has the Let’s Talk Orchids group and hosts the YouTube show by the same name and is co-owner of J & J Unique Orchids with his business partner John Melecio. Their group on Facebook is J&J Unique Orchids and their Instagram account is unique_orchids.
He has had several orchids awarded and entered the AOS judging program and is a third year student judge