Dec 132023


The HOLIDAY PARTY will be held at 6:30 pm December 20th, 2023 at BERRIES IN THE GROVE in lieu of our regular monthly meeting at Pinecrest Gardens. Dinner will be served at 7:00 PM.

For those who have not already signed up for the party, you can do so at the restaurant on the night of the event. However, in order for you to receive your free holiday orchid, you need to contact Chris Alger ASAP. Phone or text messages are fine. You can find her contact information in the current Roster.

The cost for Members and Guests is $38.40 each, which includes tax and gratuity and can be paid for by cash or check (no credit cards accepted). Checks should be made out to South Florida Orchid Society.


Nov 092023

Xavier Cortada: “The Underwater”

Xavier Cortada

A socially engaged art campaign that is facilitating a grassroots climate justice movement in Miami by creating widespread, data-driven, interactive public art installations, exposing the community’s vulnerability to rising seas and providing a platform for storytelling, with the ultimate goal of inspiring civic engagement and collective action.

“The Underwater” is a large-scale socially engaged art project by Xavier Cortada that uses elevation-driven art to systematically reveal South Florida’s vulnerability to rising seas and mobilize residents to demand that their elected officials equitably plan for a future impacted by climate change. By partnering with local governments, schools, and universities, thousands of Miami-Dade County residents have found their property’s elevation above sea level and then installed an “Underwater Elevation Marker” (a yard sign that has the number depicting their house’s elevation) in their front yard.

Xavier Cortada is a Cuban-American artist based in Miami, Florida. He pioneered eco-art in Miami-Dade County and was appointed by the Mayor as the county’s inaugural artist-in-residence in 2022. Over the last three decades, Cortada has created over 150 public artworks, installations, and collaborative murals across six continents and became the only artist to create work at both of the Earth’s poles. His community-driven art has catalyzed over 25 acres of ecological restoration, generated participatory eco-art projects in every Miami-Dade County public school and library, and celebrated scientific breakthroughs such as the discovery of the God particle at CERN. Cortada received bachelors, masters and law degrees from the University of Miami, where he currently serves as professor of practice at the University of Miami Department of Art and Art History with secondary appointments in the School of Law and Miller School of Medicine Department of Pediatrics. Through his foundation, the artist engages people in hands-on projects that generate awareness and inspire action around the climate crisis and other social justice issues. Cortada recently discussed this socially engaged art practice during a TED Talk entitled “A creative approach to community climate action” which has garnered over one million views. Learn more at

Plants for our raffle table are being provided by
Motes Orchids

Oct 122023
Mark Margolis

Mark Margolis

Mark Margolis, Brooklyn born in 1951. Received my Bachelor of Science at University of Wisconsin. Masters degree at Barry University. Taught Science in Dade County Public schools for over 30 years. Married for 27 years and counting, I have a daughter, Caroline, 21 years old. I was introduced to orchids by Phylis Lerner, who made the famous cross Catasetum Raymond Lerner. And while touring Jones & Scully, fell in love with the Catasetum group. 36 years later I am still in love with the group.

I am a backyard grower in Kendall and I have received over 139 awards for my plants. Still hoping for more.

Mark will share his passion and extensive knowledge of his favorite orchids with us in our next meeting, October 18th.

 You won’t want to miss this interesting and informative presentation!

PLEASE JOIN US on Wednesday Oct 18th, 2023 for our South Florida Orchid Society


WEAR A COSTUME and enter the costume contest!!!
you May just win a special prize.

Sep 172023

This month we will once again be doing our popular “Members Workshop” featuring Javier, James, and Jorge. They will be covering a wide range of orchid topics and will be answering your questions. You won’t want to miss this informative program!

You may wish to Bring a little extra cash to the September Meeting because there will be an amazing collection of orchids available on the Silent Auction table.



All Proceeds from items sold on the SILENT-AUCTION go to the South Florida Orchid Society for the benefit of the Society.

Members may donate plants or other items to benefit this fund-raising effort.



The South Florida Orchid Society Board of Directors.

Aug 132023

Omar Gonzalez

Omar Gonzalez Picture

Omar Gonzalez

A chemist by trade and botanist at heart. I have found orchid growing a rewarding and enjoyable hobby. Work skills are used and are enjoyable for change. Solving problems is another aspect I enjoy.

I had moved back to Miami from Iowa in 2011 when I met a man that gave me some orchids: Spathoglottis, Vanilla, and Sobralia. It took a while for me to give up on a vegetable garden. Eventually I attended an orchid show before my first trip to Hawaii. I visited Akatsuka, Carmela, and became even more obsessed in Orchids.

Upon my return, I started growing seedlings under lights, after a year it was obvious that I needed a big yard. An opportunity to volunteer at the Bonnet House gave me lots of hands on experience in managing a Vandaceaous collection. From then on, I would learn from anyone that would talk to me, seeking out knowledgeable growers, attending society meetings throughout Florida. I would attend every orchid show from Miami to Fort Pierce. Especially if they had lectures. Eventually some growers took a liking to me and they were a pleasure to get to know. All their wisdom was used to make my collection grow and I figure out how to make them thrive through trial and error. In that time I cannot tell you of how many plants were lost due to being a stranger in my own back yard. I have gone on to do orchid seed culture, hybrids, as well as caring for collections in private homes or businesses. I enjoy growing a myriad of genera, thanks to Springwater Orchids, Redhawk Orchids, Bill Thoms, Andy’s Orchids, Tamiami Festival, Redland Festival, you get the picture. My hands on experience is extensive with Cattleya, and Vandaceous. I also take care of private collections.

Come hear me share the monsters divided, finding the best conditions for orchids, the pests and diseases and many other topics if time allows.

Lessons Learned: Wisdom from Growers and Orchid Growing. The hands on approach to orchid growing. Many failures and long awaited bloom teach more than we knew beforehand. I will share a presentation that will give some practical orchid care guidance.

Omar will be speaking this month on the Encyclia genus, Cattleya Alliance (Cattleya, Laelia, Schomburkia, Brassavola, Broughtonia, Encyclia and other related genra.

Omar will kindly be providing plants for our raffle table and will also have plants to sell.

Georgia Tasker Picture

Georgia Tasker

The South Florida Orchid Society has lost another of it’s “Beautiful Orchids” – on July 22, 2023 Georgia Tasker passed away. Georgia was 78. She retired years ago from her position as a garden writer for the Miami Herald. I know a lot of us in the SFOS as well as a lot of the people in south Florida – picked up the Herald to see what Georgia was talking about today.

Although I don’t have the membership records that go back that far – I know Georgia has been a member of SFOS for many, many years. I was a member of the SFOS Board when we use to have Board Meetings in the members home – I remember going to the home of Georgia Tasker and Sandra Schultz and what a wonderful tour we got of their back yard – full of all kind of plants and many, many beautiful Orchids.

The South Florida Orchid Society extends our deepest sympathy to Sandra Schultz and the families and friends of Georgia Tasker.

Sally Taylor
Membership Chair
South Florida Orchid Society


Jul 162023
Peter Kochalakos

Peter Kouchalakos

Ah summer in the sub-tropics! What’s not to love? Blue Gray skies, pleasant oppressive temperatures, and beautiful horrible weather. Yep, it’s that time again. Hurricane season is here! Or, as channel seven would say, “TERROR FROM THE SKIES!!!!”

So, how do we cope? Never mind that roof! I’m talking orchids! How do we prepare and protect our precious babies from those oh so nasty elements?

Fortunately, we don’t have to go it alone. At least not completely. Our good friend, Peter Kouchalakos, is here to share some tips and insight that may well help save our plants… not to mention, our sanity!

Peter Kouchalakos, along with his wife Clara, are the owners of PCK Orchids and Exotic Plants. Peter is a law school graduate who found his true calling in growing and teaching others to successfully grow orchids and other exotic plants.

Peter Kouchalakos likes to call himself the Johnny Appleseed of orchids. As he told a Miami Herold reporter, “I just want to spread the joy. I’m lucky to get to do what I love and get paid for it.”

We should all be so lucky!

Peter will also be providing plants for our raffle table as well as having plants for sale.

We will also be once again doing our popular silent auction. (Cash & checks only please!)

So bring lots of money!


Forth 19th of July Celebration!

We will be celebrating an extended 4th of July at our July 19th meeting .
Steve and Annette Rodriguez will be serving us All Beef Hot Dogs for dinner. They will also be bringing condiments for the hot dogs. They are suggesting that members consider bringing side dishes you would like to enjoy with the hot dogs, such as Coleslaw, salads, pickles, fruits, chips and dips, sodas and desserts.

Jun 122023


Cordially invites all Members and Visitors to attend the 2023-
2024 Installation Ceremony of the SFOS Board Executive
Officers, Directors and Special Directors to be held on June
21st, 2023 at 8:00 pm at Pinecrest Gardens.

Awards will be presented this evening by the SFOS Judging
Chair to Members in several categories for plants they
submitted for judging during the 2022-2023 judging year.
Special Certificates of Recognition will be awarded to SFOS Members for their Volunteer
service during 2022-2023.

A reception will immediately follow the Installation and Awards Ceremony.
There will be no SFOS Certified Judging on this evening, however Members are welcome to
bring in their blooming plants to Display in the room and share with the guests.
South Florida Orchid Society Board will be providing several food platters for the Reception.
Please consider bringing in food such as hors d’ouevres, fruit and cheese platters, desserts
and bottled water to be served during the Reception.

We look forward to seeing everyone at this Special Event recognizing our Award Winners, and
joining us in thanking our volunteers for their service to South Florida Orchid Society.

The South Florida Orchid Society Board

Plants for our raffle table will be provided by Soroa Orchids.

May 132023

James Furst

Outdoor Orchid Growing and the

Enjoyment of Cultivating Large Specimens

I Love Orchids and I Can Not Lie. I started collecting as a hobby 15 years ago when I stopped at a local nursery and bought a beautiful Catalonia “Why Not” which I call “Little Red” to this date. Like most collectors, I started small and my collection grew too well over 500 completely naturalized orchids, which I care for daily.

I have a High Tech Computing background by trade, but when the pandemic began, I started an Instagram page under the title “Outdoor Orchid Growing by James Furst” (@Mr1st) to expose people to my Orchid Collection and especially my Specimens. I was amazed at the number of persons globally who share the same love for orchids and the outdoors as we do here at the SFOS.

I am so honored to speak with the SFOS and will be discussing Outdoor Orchid Growing in South Florida (Zone 10B) and how I grow Specimen Orchids while taking care of my collection and managing daily life. I will also be showing the group Orchids from my collection as well as Videos of their beautiful growth throughout the year.

James Furst Photo

James Furst

This months raffle plants will be provided by

Quest Orchids!

We will also be holding a silent auction with all proceeds going to help fund the SFOS


Apr 122023

Serena Roman, Lady Vanda

Serena Roman Picture

Serena Roman

Lady Vanda Orchids is your premier online retailer, specializing in Vanda orchids. We aim to provide the highest quality orchid plants and cultivation education for our customer base. Whether you are a newbie, or seasoned collector, we are here to help guide you and your growing endeavors. In addition to Vandas, we cultivate several other genera such as Paphiopedilum, Phragmipedium, Dendrobium and Cattleya.Customers are welcome to shop our online selection, message us with any questions or request recommendations based on your growing environment and experience.

Find us online at or in person at OFE Sale Events and other Florida Orchid Shows.


Serena will be speaking this month on Vanda Cultivation.

She will also be providing plants for our Raffle table as well as having plants for Sale!

Mar 112023

Jim Davison

Jim Davison

“Mounting Orchids on Plaques, Baskets and Trees!”

Jim’s appreciation for orchids stems from his scientific background. Before retiring, he worked as a Nuclear Chemistry Manager at the Turkey Point Nuclear Power Plant

When Jim retired, he and his wife, Melana, opened their own retail nursery, Jim-N-I Orchids. Before Covid, they were doing the show circuit, selling their Florida grown orchids at shows in Florida including Tamiami and Redland.

Fortunately, shows are starting to take place again in Florida so they’re back on the road once again.

Jim is a past President of both the Orchid Society of Coral Gables and the East Everglades Orchid Society. He is also an accredited American Orchid Society judge.

Jim will be sharing all of the various techniques for successfully mounting and growing orchids on a verity of media. This is sure to be an informative as well as enjoyable presentation!

Jim will have orchids to sell and will also be providing plants for our raffle table!