Feb 102023
Javier Morejon picture

Javier Morejon

Javier Morejon:

Bulbophyllums! Among the Best Orchids to Grow in Our Area!

I am a lifelong native of Miami, born here in 1973. I started growing orchids around 1987-1988 and have been an active grower for the last 35 years.  Like many, I started with the standard cattleyas and dendrobriums, which I still grow and moved on to the weird stuff after a few years thanks to mentors like Bert Pressman and Mirta Russis Heineman.

These days I have a collection of 250 plants 2/3 of which are species or primary hybrids. These include several species and hybrids of Bulbophyllum, which is the subject of the talk. I will be showing how I grow and mount these orchids and why I believe they are among the best orchids for this area.

When I’m not with my orchids am growing my other passion, heirloom vegetables.

Jan 152023
Peter Kochalakos

Peter Kouchalakos

Peter Kouchalakos

Landscaping With Terrestrial Orchids

Peter Kouchalakos, along with his wife Clara, are the owners of PCK Orchids and Exotic Plants. Peter is a law school graduate who found his true calling in growing and teaching others to successfully grow orchids and other exotic plants.

Peter Kouchalakos likes to call himself the Johnny Appleseed of orchids. As he told a Miami Herold reporter, “I just want to spread the joy. I’m lucky to get to do what I love and get paid for it.”

We should all be so lucky!

Learn how easy it is to add these orchids to your landscape. With proper care, you too can introduce fabulous ground-growing orchids that add just the right touch to your tropical garden or your pool patio. Peter will talk about the types of garden habitats these orchids require and what you can expect in the way of performance.

This group of garden orchids includes members of the Phaius, Spathoglottis, Epidendrum and Oncidium genera

A variety of orchids will be available for sale after the presentation.
Peter will also provide plants for our raffle table.