Serena Roman, Lady Vanda

Serena Roman
Lady Vanda Orchids is your premier online retailer, specializing in Vanda orchids. We aim to provide the highest quality orchid plants and cultivation education for our customer base.
Whether you are a newbie, or seasoned collector, we are here to help guide you and your growing endeavors. In addition to Vandas, we cultivate several other genera such as Paphiopedilum, Phragmipedium, Dendrobium and Cattleya.Customers are welcome to shop our online selection, message us with any questions or request recommendations based on your growing environment and experience.
Find us online at or in person at OFE Sale Events and other Florida Orchid Shows.
Serena will be speaking this month on the Cultivation of Paphiopedilum, and Phragmipedium orchids in South Florida.
She will also be providing plants for our Raffle table as well as having plants for Sale!