Antonio J. Cotarelo
Grammatophyllum — Queen of Orchids
Antonio graduated with a Bachelor’s degree in Civil Engineering from the University of South Florida and worked for the Department of Environmental Resources Management (DERM), Public Works and the Water and Sewer Department of Miami-Dade County for over 36 years, until his retirement in 2023.

Antonio Cotarelo
He grew up in Venezuela where before the age of ten he saw his first cattleyas in bloom covering large oak trees. He never forgot that sight. As a teenager, he convinced his parents to purchase two cattleya species, which he grew and bloomed.
Years later in Miami, he started growing orchids as a hobby, and he realized there were hundreds of species. As many hobbyists do, he wanted to have orchids of all genera in his collection, but he eventually realized (after about 2000 plants!) that he would never accomplish that goal. He has now grown orchids for about 45 years.
His favorite orchid genera are Cattleyas, Gongoras and Stanhopeas. Specifically, with Gongoras and Stanhopeas, he is fascinated with the fact that nature would develop flowers that mimic insects in flight to attract their pollinators.