May 142019
Sheldon Takasaki: Easy Growing Orchids
(& Other Stuff You Want to Know!)
Sheldon Takasaki

Sheldon Takasaki

We at the South Florida Orchid Society are very pleased to have Sheldon Takasaki from Carmela Orchids in Hawaii as our Speaker for May 15th. Here are a few things you might not know about Sheldon – He graduated from the University of Hawaii with a BS in Horticulture. Carmela Orchids was Incorporated in 1960. He started working at Carmela Orchids in 1970. It was not as big back then only a few employees – now they have around 14 workers. Sheldon was a trustee for the American Orchid Society, and is a life member of the Hilo Orchid Society, the Honolulu Orchid Society and the AOS. Sheldon is very much a family man – he and his wife Pearl have 3 wonderful children – 2 girls (who are both married) and 1 son; they also have two very beautiful grand-daughters Madison who is two and lives on Big Island with her parents and Avery who is one and lives on Oahu with her parents. If you know how much the orchids mean to Sheldon then I’m sure that you also know how much Las Vegas means to him. Just a little side note he likes all kinds of sports too – I don’t know much about the ones we all watch together at my house when he is in town – but I know he loves them. I know that he also loves Ice Cream.

Sheldon’s topic is Easy Growing Orchids and Other Stuff You Want to Know.

As most of you know I have known Sheldon and his family for some time – and I’m delighted that he agreed to take time from the set-up at Fruit and Spicy Park to speak to us.

Please join us for an evening of FUN!

Carmela Orchids is providing the Raffle Table too!

Sally Taylor