
Jul 092012

Wednesday, July 18, 2012
Fire Fighters Memorial Building
8000 NW 21 St., Miami, FL 33122
Click here for a map.
8:00 PM Meeting begins

Kathy Whalen from St. Germain Orchids in Homestead, Florida will present our July program.

Kathy’s program is titled “Caring for Cattleyas” and will include a demonstration on how to properly repot Cattleyas.

With over forty year’s expertise and a bold presence in the agricultural life of Homestead, Florida, the family of St. Germain Orchids continues the legacy of superior quality orchids and warm genuine service. Founded by two siblings with tremendous entrepreneurial spirit, St. Germain orchids began as a roadside stall enticing passersby with vibrant, fresh blooms. Years of enduring effort and an unwavering passion for orchids expanded the family run business into what has become the region’s premier vendor of nearly 200 types of Cattleya orchids. While an extensive variety of orchids can be found at St. Germain’s, exotic Cattleya varieties is there specialty.

Bring your friends – we know everyone will enjoy this wonderful program!


Jul 052012

Outstanding Service, Judging Committee:

Dorothy Bennett, Carol De Biase, Ron Hunt, Erna Maxwell, Javier Morejon, Julie Rosenberg, Gladys Roudel, Ruben Sauleda, Sally Taylor, Joan Viggiani, Maria Wood

The following individuals were recognized for their Outstanding Service to the Society during the past year. They are:

Dorothy Bennett—Treasurer
Dan Christensen—Show Chair
Christa Collins—Hospitality Chair
Carol De Biase—Program Chair
Ralph Hernandez—Raffle Chair
Ron Hunt—Newsletter Editor
Judy Mezey—Membership Chair
Bonnie Riley—Judging Chair
Julie Rosenberg—Secretary
Angelica Ruggeri—Refreshments Chair
Ellen Hanson—Office Manager

Jul 042012

On June 20th, 2012 the South Florida Orchid Society held its annual combination awards ceremony and induction of officers for the coming year.

Congratulations to all our award winners and officers!


Ascda. Mary’s Lemon Drop ‘King’ SM/SFOS
Exhibited by John King on September 21st, 2011

Ascda. Yarnisa Gold ‘Pure Gold’ BM/SFOS
Exhibited by John King on September 21st, 2011

V. Marianne Bertini ‘Brett’ BM/SFOS
Exhibited by Judy Mezey on September 21st, 2011

C. Newberry Luisa’ Love ‘Hot Stuff’ SM/SFOS
Exhibited by Julie Rosenberg & Ron Hunt on February 15th, 2012

Annual Trophies

Jones & Scully Award (Cattleya Alliance)
C. Newberry Luisa’s Love ‘Hot Stuff’ SM/SFOS
Julie Rosenberg & Ron Hunt

Del Ora Award (Vandaceous Alliance)
Ascda. Mary’s Lemon Drop ‘King’ SM/SFOS
John King

John D. Simmons Award (Other Genera)
Ctmds. Jumbo Rubytex ‘Crownfox Midnight’ AM/AOS
R.F. Orchids

Most Culture Ribbons: David Foster

Most Ribbon Points: David Foster

Most Medal Points: (SFOS Sweepstakes Award): John King


Jul 022012

What a meeting we had on June 20, 2012. Did you win a trophy, a raffle table plant, or did you get to buy a plant or two from H & R Nurseries?

If you didn’t get in on any of the above – then you either missed the meeting or you slept through it.

Let’s start at the beginning – yes, you might have had to brave the weather – but then the rain up my way stopped before I had to leave for the meeting. The traffic is always a night-mare! All in all we had a great turnout and saw some old friends (who have been missing for awhile).

We had some business to do – in the way of Installing the Officers and Directors for the year. Thank you Sandy Schultz, for doing that for us. Although, I for one can’t believe that you all wanted me to do this for another year. I guess you all have more faith than I do.

Then Bonnie Riley got to hand out the Medals won in 2011 – 2012, then the Annual Trophies (how did you like seeing the plaques and pictures on them?), then the take home Tro-phies, and then the Certificates for Out-standing Service and the Judging Committee. Bonnie has done an amazing job with the Judging and will be missed – but she is not off the hook – Erna Maxwell is taking over and will need her help. Thank you Bonnie!

Then I got to give the Committee Members and Board Members a Certificate of Appreciation and a little something from me. This SFOS Board of Directors is a special group of people and to say they are hard working – is an understatement! Thank you all, so very, very much for making my job easier.

By the time that was done – I think Roy Tokunaga was ready to get on a plane and head back to Hawaii. Roy had plants to sell and also provided the great raffle table. Not to mention his great program. Roy – to just say “Thank You” doesn’t seem to be enough. Just so you all know Roy gave back the Speakers Fee and the Raffle Table proceeds.

Did you get to the plant sales table Roy had? I did and found 2 things I just had to have. The Raffle Table had some great plants on it too – I got some – did you?

Don’t forget our next meeting is on July 18, 2012. We will be back to having judging – so get those plants ready! We don’t want to let Erna down. It’s the only way you can get in on the Trophies for next year.

We will be doing things a little different – in that when you bring refreshments you will get a ticket for a pick from the Raffle Table (refreshment tickets will be in a separate container – and it will be first pick). Everything else remains the same and the plants for judging need to be entered at 7:30 so judging can begin promptly at 7:45. Remember your refreshments, invite a guest (friend or foe) to come with you.

See you at the meeting.

Oh yes, were you expecting a puppy update – I still have three of them – getting bigger by the day.

If you are not going to be at the next meeting because you are on vacation – have a safe trip. And to Carol – who is having knee surgery – we wish you the best and a speedy recovery.


Jun 152012

by Susan Taylor
Originally published in BellaOnline

Foliar fertilizing promotes better growth
During the peak growing months of summer use a very dilute foliar fertilizer (half normal strength) with 1/2 teaspoon per gallon soap as a wetting agent so that the fertilizer will stay on the leaves long enough to allow the plant to absorb the nutrients. Be sure to spray early in the morning before the sun gets to the plants and provide excellent air circulation to allow for rapid evaporation to prevent rots. Be very careful with the crowns of Phals and Paphs.

Increase your watering for outdoor plants
Outdoor or greenhouse plants will need additional water during the warmest months of the year. In most areas this is their peak growing season. In the hottest areas they will almost go into a hibernation period. Watch out for under watering signs such as wrinkled pseudobulbs, especially on Oncidiums and Cattleyas. I put extra sphagnum moss around those plants that appear to have problems with the heat and then spray early in the morning making sure that the moss gets some water. You increase your humidity this way and the plants will pull water out of the moss if they need it.

Phalaenopsis or Moth Orchids
Phals can still be in full bloom by the middle of the summer. If you want them to re-flower next year, cut back the inflorescences around the middle or end of July even if they’re still looking good. This will allow the plants to concentrate on growing and gathering energy to flower next year. If repotting is necessary, go ahead and repot now. If you bought new plants make sure you repot. Many Phals are sold in straight sphagnum moss and this medium is too soggy for most plants for long. Repot in coconut husk or bark mix.

Paphiopedilum and Slipper Orchids
Phragmipediums will need constant moisture during the hot summer months. I grow mine in a saucer of water year round to provide this moisture. Semi-hydroponic culture is even better. They need lots of light in order to produce flowers. Paphiopedilums also like warm temperatures, but require low light so as to keep the leaves from burning. Check the pots often during warm months to make sure that the moisture they need is provided at all times.

Cattleya Alliance Plants
Watch for roots on your fall blooming Catts and when the roots are about 1/2 inch or 2 centimeters long, repot them if necessary in appropriate medium. Watch your plants for over- and under-watering problems and rots during this growth period. A monthly application of fungicide will help reduce the chances of all kinds of rots.

Jun 012012

Wednesday, June 20, 2012
Fire Fighters Memorial Building
8000 NW 21 St., Miami, FL 33122
Click here for a map.
8:00 PM Meeting begins

Our June meeting will be special for all SFOS members and guests. We have Roy Tokunaga from Hawaii to present a program for us. Roy is one of the owners of H & R Nurseries in Waimanalo, Hawaii and is credited with 30-plus years of experience in hybridization with several thousand hybrids delivered. Most of his work has been in the Dendrobium and Cattleya alliances.

Roy has been an accredited AOS judge since 1990 and a long time member of South Florida Orchid Society. Roy will present a program titled “Dendrobiums: species, hybrids, and culture.” This program will focus on growing for the Florida hobbyist. H & R Nurseries will provide the raffle table and have plants to sell.

Guests are always welcome at our meetings. We hope you will join us for this wonderful evening!

Mar 012012

Robert Fuchs, President of R.F. Orchids in Homestead, was inducted into the Florida Agricultural Hall of Fame in Tampa on Tuesday, Feb. 14, 2012. The induction ceremonies were held during the State Fair.

The Florida Agricultural Hall of Fame honors those men and women who have made lasting contributions to agriculture in Florida. Robert Fuchs, a third-generation orchid grower with deep ties to the agriculture commu-nity in South Florida, is the first orchid grower to be recognized by the Hall of Fame in its 35-year history.

Jan 012012

South Florida orchid lovers have lost yet another dear friend and fellow orchidist. On December 16th, 2011, Joyce Kelly finally succumbed to the cancer that she had been courageously fighting for a good number of years. She will be greatly missed by everyone in our orchid community.

Donations in memory of Joyce may be made to either the South Dade Amateur Orchid Club or to the National Ovarian Cancer Coalition.