Please join us at our March 16th, 2022 SFOS Members Meeting at Pinecrest Gardens. We have a very special and unique program planned and we think you will find it not only interesting, but informative and interactive.
Three of our very own South Florida Orchid Society Members who have many combined years of experience and knowledge in the cultivation and care of Orchid Collections will be presented at our “FIRST ANNUAL SOUTH FLORIDA ORCHID SOCIETY SPEAKERS PANEL”.
Please welcome Steve Rodriguez, Julie Rosenberg and Jorge Merlo. Each Speaker will be giving a short presentation on the Orchid topic and tips they feel most knowledgeable about and would like to share with our Members and Guests.
Everyone attending will have the opportunity to participate by submitting questions. You may want to ask a question of a specific speaker or may have questions that are more general in nature. We will have a Moderator who will ask everyone to hold their questions until the end of all three presentations.
Whether you are a newcomer to growing and caring for your Orchids, or have been part of the local Orchid community for years there is always so much more to learn. You may have questions about what works best in the South Florida backyard environment, how to choose what orchid to add next to your collection, what about city water versus well water quality, potting containers and mediums versus growing bare root. And of course what recommendations does the panel have for fertilizers, disease and insect control.
All of the Panel Speakers have been chosen for their experience, not only in the successful cultivation of Orchids, but also in the submission of Award Winning Orchids to the judging process.
So, join us as we welcome our South Florida Orchid Society resident experts to our “FIRST ANNUAL SOUTH FLORIDA ORCHID SOCIETY SPEAKERS PANEL”
Don McDermott, SFOS Program Chair
South Florida Orchid Society
Raffle Plants for the evening will be supplied by local grower SOROA ORCHIDS