Yolanda Cuesta
Photo courtesy
Annette Rodriguez
OH NO – I just went into the orchid house and found 2 spikes from my favorite den (which was in full bloom) broken off and a beautiful catt bloom was also laying on the bench. What on earth
Can I do with the den spikes and catt bloom now? I know I’ll call Yolanda – I know she can help!
That’s right Yolanda Cuesta of Quest Orchids is coming to speak – I should say show us how to use orchids in arrangements for the holidays!
I don’t know what Yolanda will tell you about our relationship – I’ll just say it goes way back and let her tell you the rest. I regret I will not be at the meeting as I’m in Ocala for a dog show. Please come out and find out what you to can do with your orchids for the Holidays!
Yolanda said you can bring orchids, a vase and some greens, ferns etc. from your yard and work along.
I know Yolanda will have great ideas for you.
Sally Taylor
Acting Program Chair