
May 192020

Due to the Corona Virus (COVID-19) the May 20th Members Meeting has been canceled.

We hope to resume meetings in the near future but as long as the Corona Virus persists and social distancing rules are in place all society meetings and other activities going forward should be considered tentative.  It is imperative that social distancing rules are religiously followed if we expect to have any chance of stopping the spread of this deadly virus. We implore all of our members to heed those rules and we look forward to seeing everyone at our next meeting… whenever that is.

Stay Home, Stay Safe!

Apr 142020

Due to the continued fallout from the COVID-19 virus the April 15th Members Meeting has been canceled.

We hope to be able to have a meeting in May but as long as the Corona Virus persists and social distancing rules are in place all society meetings and other activities going forward should be considered tentative.  It is imperative that social distancing rules are religiously followed if we expect to have any chance of stopping the spread of this deadly virus. We implore all of our members to heed those rules and we look forward to seeing everyone at our next meeting… whenever that is.

Stay Home, Stay Safe!

Mar 142020

Meeting Canceled!

I know there is nothing easy for any of us about what is currently happening. There is much confusion and the situation and information related to the Coronavirus Pandemic seems to constantly change. The Pandemic will unfortunately affect each one of us, some more than others, even if we are all fortunate enough to not be exposed, and the results of exposure to this virus are too great to ignore. Therefore, with an abundance of caution, the South Florida Orchid Society Board of Directors have voted to cancel our March 18th 2020 members meeting.

Cancelling our March 2020 monthly meeting will enable each one of us to limit our potential of community exposure to the Novel Coronavirus 2019 (COVID-19) and hopefully help to limit it’s spread. Because this is a new disease, according to the experts, none of us have had a chance to develop an immunity to it, and there is currently no approved vaccine or antiviral (like what is available for Influenza A & B).

Going forward we will carefully evaluate the situation and make adjustments as necessary. Hopefully we will be able to hold future meetings as scheduled.

Everyone, please stay safe, be well and if you are able to give assistance to someone in need at this time, try to do so.

With concern and caring,

Chris Alger, President
South Florida Orchid Society


Jan 082020
Sheldon Takasaki

Sheldon Takasaki

Our Speaker for January will be a longtime friend of the South Florida Orchid Society – Sheldon Takasaki of Carmela Orchids in Hakalau, Hawaii.

Sheldon first came to the Miami area for the World Orchid Conference in 1984 and has been a great friend of SFOS ever since. I’m not sure what else I could tell you about Sheldon and Carmela Orchids that I have not said in the past year or so. Many of you who know me also know that I usually help Carmela Orchids at local Orchid Shows – well not only local – in that I did go to New York to help Sheldon one year – in May and never got warm the whole weekend. Of course I have helped unpack plants at the nursery in Hawaii too! Not to mention unpacking plants in my driveway.

Sheldon and his wife Pearl have raised a beautiful family – 2 girls who are both married and each of them has a young daughter – 1 son who you are likely to see at some of the shows here in South Florida.

Sheldon’s topic for our January meeting will be his 10 Favorite Orchids and Other Things. If you have not heard Sheldon speak – come out and join us – bring a friend – I promise that you will not regret the evening.

The RAFFLE TABLE will also be provided by Carmela Orchids and if I know Sheldon (as I think I do) it will not disappoint either. See you on January 15th, 2020.



Nov 062019

Omar GonzalezOmar Gonzalez Picture

A chemist by trade and botanist at heart. I have found orchid growing a rewarding and enjoyable hobby. Work skills are used and are enjoyable for change. Solving problems is another aspect I enjoy.

I had moved back to Miami from Iowa in 2011 when I met a man that gave me some orchids: Spathoglottis, Vanilla, and Sobralia. It took a while for me to give up on a vegetable garden. Eventually I attended an orchid show before my first trip to Hawaii. I visited Akatsuka, Carmela, and became even more obsessed in Orchids. Upon my return, I started growing seedlings under lights, after a year it was obvious that I needed a big yard. An opportunity to volunteer at the Bonnet House gave me lots of hands on experience in managing a Vandaceaous collection. From then on, I would learn from anyone that would talk to me, seeking out knowledgeable growers, attending society meetings throughout Florida. I would attend every orchid show from Miami to Fort Pierce. Especially if they had lectures. Eventually some growers took a liking to me and they were a pleasure to get to know. All their wisdom was used to make my collection grow and I figure out how to make them thrive through trial and error. In that time I cannot tell you of how many plants were lost due to being a stranger in my own back yard. I have gone on to do orchid seed culture, hybrids, as well as caring for collections in private homes or businesses. I enjoy growing a myriad of genera, thanks to Springwater Orchids, Redhawk Orchids, Bill Thoms, Andy’s Orchids, Tamiami Festival, Redland Festival, you get the picture. My hands on experience is extensive with Cattleya, and Vandaceous. I also take care of private collections.

Come hear me share the monsters divided, finding the best conditions for orchids, the pests and diseases and many other topics if time allows.

Lessons Learned: Wisdom from Growers and Orchid Growing. The hands on approach to orchid growing. Many failures and long awaited bloom teach more than we knew beforehand. I will share a presentation that will give some practical orchid care guidance.

Omar will kindly be providing plants for our raffle table and will also have plants to sell.

Holiday Party Notes…members are encouraged to bring only non-perishable food to give to those less fortunate families for the holidays. We are not collecting toys this year.
We will have a box at this months meeting for non perishable food items which will save members from having to remember to bring them to the Holiday Party.
REMEMBER: You can use your credit card to pay for your dinner at the next meeting, but ALL attendees must be prepaid prior to the Holiday Party.


The Membership Renewal notices are scheduled to be mailed on December 2, 2019. This will give you the month of December to write your check and mail it. Or you could simply bring your check to the November Meeting (11/20) or the Holiday Party (12/18). I will be happy to give you a receipt on the spot. I will have New Membership Cards ready for you to pick-up at the February 19, 2020 Meeting – that is our Annual Auction Night.

We will be most happy to welcome 8 New Members at the November 20th Meeting. Please come out and help us make these new members feel welcome.

Oct 122019

Pinecrest Gardens


Carlos Cahiz & Friend

Carlos Cahiz & Friend

How to Care For your Orchids!

Tips and tricks of orchid care for South Florida!

Come to our orchid group meeting for free, and learn how to care for your orchids.

Our next meeting is Wednesday, October 16th, at  Pinecrest Gardens. 11000 Red Road (57 Ave.), Pinecrest, FL 33156


Carlos Cahiz of OFE Orchid Supplies will provide the hands on presentation on chemicals, fertilizers and growing mixes.

Our society meetings feature an orchid raffle, food and refreshments, and orchid judging. So spruce up your prized orchids, grab a friend and come on down. Remember, guests are always welcome at our meetings. OFE International will also be supplying plants for our orchid raffle. Thanks you, Carlos!

OFE international, Orchids & Supplies is located at  17899 SW. 280th Street, Homestead FL 33031.  Contact them at 305-253-7080, or e-mail:  ofeorchidsupplies @  Or via Facebook and Instagram @ofeorchidsupplies.

Sep 302019

AOS 2019 Ad (2)

Plant registration is Friday 10/4/2019 from Noon to 6PM.

Lectures for beginners will be held on Saturday, the 5th.

1:00PM (Spanish) with Carlos Cahiz, courtesy of OFE International

2:00 PM (English) with Dan Christensen, courtesy of Dan & Margie Orchids