SFOS will host its annual Speakers Day Event on Sunday, October 7, 2012 at University of Miami BankUnited Center, 1245 Dauer Drive, Coral Gables, FL. We have a wonderful panel of highly respected speakers and Speakers’ Day has AOS approval for judging seminar credits. Several of our speakers will be participating in the SFOS Show as well.

This year’s speakers are:
Cordelia Head – Cordelia has been growing orchids for more than thirty years and specializes in miniature orchids. She is an AOS accredited judge and has lectured both nationally and internationally including the World Orchid Conferences in Miami, France, Malaysia, Vancouver, Glasgow and many others. The title of Cordelia’s talk will be Warm Growing Miniature Orchids. This will be informative and entertaining and suitable for both the beginner and expert grower.
Howard Liebman – Dr Howard Liebman has been growing orchids since the age of 12. He has registered over 120 orchid hybrids and 41 of his hybrids have won awards from the American Orchid Society, Royal Horticultural Society and the Australian Orchid Congress. Dr Liebman is a certified AOS Judge and has served on the Research Committee of the American Orchid Society. The title of his talk is: The Spectacular Cyrtochilums: An under- appreciated member of the Oncidium Alliance.
Nina Rach – Nina is an Accredited AOS Judge affiliated with the Houston Judging Center and a past-president of the Houston Orchid Society. She maintains a varied collection of orchids, predominately species in a twin-walled polycarbonate greenhouse and a shade house on the Gulf Coast of Texas. She maintains the Sobralias pages website and the Stanhopeas pages website. The title of Nina’s talk is “What you need to know about Sobralias and Stanhopeas”.
David Horak – Since 2000, David Horak has been the Curator of the Orchid Collection and the Robert W. Wilson Aquatic House at Brooklyn Botanic Garden and currently serves as the chair of the AOS Conservation Committee. An accredited AOS judge, he has been growing orchids for more than 34 years. The title of David’s talk is: Catasetinae and other Deciduous Orchids.
Manolito Caluff – was born in Santiago de Cuba in 1945. In 1976 he began his studies in Botany, and the plant collection that originated the Fern Garden of Santiago de Cuba, institution adscript to the Cuban Sciences Academy, being its Director until today. Caluff is President of the Amateur Botanist Association of Santiago de Cuba from 1992 and of the Popular Gardening National Group from 2006. The title of Manolito’s talk is “Cuban Orchids.”
Tickets for Speakers Day are $45.00 per person. The price includes a continental breakfast and lunch. This is one of the major orchid events held annually in South Florida and tickets are limited and sold on a first-come, first-served basis. Tickets are not available at the door. To register, please send your check to the SFOS office: 10801 S.W. 124 St., Miami, FL 33176. For more information call (305) 255-3656.
Speakers Day Schedule:
8:00 – 9:00 Breakfast
9:00 – 10:00 Cordelia Head
10:00 – 11:00 Howard Liebman
11:00 – 1:00 Lunch
1:00 – 2:00 Manolito Caluff
2:00 – 3:00 Nina Rach
3:00 – 4:00 David Horak
4:00 – 5:00 Show and Plant Sales
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Please return this form to: SFOS, 10801 S.W. 124 St., Miami, FL 33176 or call (305-255-3656) to process your charge.