Linda Curle will present our October program. The title of the program is “Orchid Trekking in Northern Thailand”. Below is Linda’s story of how she got started in orchids and her trip to Northern Thailand.
My passion for orchids started in the early 90’s quite by chance while I was working for US Airways at the Miami airport. One day while on duty in the lost luggage department a cardboard box full of bare root orchids was dropped off by an agricultural agent. They were unclaimed after their inspection and probable fumigation. I contacted the owner and informed him that we had them and he could come pick them up but he just yelled, “Throw them out! I don’t want them anymore. They’re probably dead anyway!”
When I looked in the box they did indeed look dead but my curiosity would not let me just give up on them. Growing up in N.Y. my only contact with orchids at that point was wearing them occasionally to a dance, but I seemed to recall that orchids grew on trees so I took them home and tied them up on trees in my yard. Must have been the right time of year because they took off and established nicely and before very long a tall spike was developing. That really piqued my curiosity again as I tried to imagine how that long thin spike could turn into a corsage flower. Soon I was confronted with a totally different but mesmerizing yellow spotted flower, Onc. splendidum, evocative of the jungles of Central America. That was it, I knew I was smitten and had to learn more about these fascinating plants. I proceeded to join local orchid societies and have belonged to most of the ones in town at some point.
Probably because I enjoyed my very first orchid blooming in a natural looking setting and because it transported me to exciting unknown places in my imagination, the idea of seeing orchids in their natural habitat became a dream of mine. I’m fortunate that I have been able to bring that dream to fruition several times. My program for the October meeting is a travelogue of my trip to the north of Thailand and I will be showing you about 45 species blooming in a variety of habitats, as well as orchid markets, some of our hotels, and many other things of general interest. You can leave your notebook home for this one and just sit back and travel along with me.
Our raffle table will provided OFE Orchid Supply
Please bring your friends. Guests are always welcome at our meetings. We look forward to seeing you at our new meeting location, Christ The King Lutheran Church.
Javier Morejon, Program Chairman
Christ The King Lutheran Church
11395 S.W. 57th AVE (Red Road)
Pinecrest, FL 33156